ronaldlaw 發表於 2010-9-6 14:00

Notebook display

現筆電係acer4741g i5/gf310m display.   用hdmi上部22"philips mon比我用部陳年desktop差好遠。
字體好清但睇相就曚曚地咁,好多黑位details 都睇唔到,最明顯上avbuzz首頁嗰d格仔曚好多。
陳年desktop display 係gf 800咁上吓!
請問係唔係notebook先天display 既缺陷呢?

law1987 發表於 2010-9-7 01:25

setting 問題, 黑位details 都睇唔到set 返0-255, 22"philips mon係LCDTV or only LCD?

ronaldlaw 發表於 2010-9-7 01:37

It's LCD mon not TV....
i did set the contrast ratio thru nvidia control panel already but still found it's not good if compare with old desktop....
i didn't install philips's "smartcontrol" to the new computer.....this is software along with the monitor but i lost the disc.... and can't find via philips web....not sure if it's affected.....
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