Jackiewakusome 發表於 2010-9-4 10:39

Watch BD by HDMI VS Optical

Hi bros.,

I have an Onkyo 5507. When I use HDMI to watch BD, during setting at the set up menu of the BD, when moving the cursor, there is no "click" "click" sound. However, when I use optical to watch BD, when moving the cursor at the BD set up menu, the "click" sound appears.

Is it due to my HDMI cable? Not fast enough to transfer all the data? I am using AudioQuest HDMI cable (around HK$950), model no. forgot already.

Can any brother help?

Regards. {:6_162:}

SonSon 發表於 2010-9-4 12:12

係唔係universal D碟?
好多BD MENU都有背景效果聲, 冇乜大不了, 睇正片冇事咪得囉{:1_253:}

kingleecm 發表於 2010-9-4 18:20

OPTICAL 出唔到 次世代音效


danielkenken 發表於 2010-9-4 23:35

ching是担心hdmi 线出问题了?

hkc311 發表於 2010-9-6 12:40

Is it the setting of audio matter?For opp83, there is a setting for secondary audio.When I set it on, I can hear the "click" sound when moving the cursor.However, when I set it off, no "click" sound.Hope that it will help you.

samnet1 發表於 2010-9-6 13:28

HDMI ==> Support 7.1 channel

Optical ==> Support 5.1 channel only
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