DTAN 發表於 2010-9-15 23:22

Hi Shum,

You need the D2V or other anthem product to use the ARC. The D2V comes with the ARC. I agree about AV and music. and I am thinking of getting a McIntosh C2300 tube pre amp to go with the A2.I tested the this set up with a pair of Focal JM lab1028 BE and the quality was really fantasic. By the way i did ask to try test krell but I was informed Anthem was a better option since the 20k plus over the Anthem doesn't bring that much improvement. Anyway, i am happy with the set up and just waiting to pick up an Oppo 83 for DVD and SACD before I can give further feedback. Will upgrade the speakers to Focal JM Lab at the end of the year.

lemonstar 發表於 2010-9-15 23:33

want the best pre amps on the market.{:6_142:}
here's a reference listing~ (scroll down the page)

shum 發表於 2010-9-16 10:03

thx lemon hing.

Dtan hing, ARC cant use on other brand's Amp? I was refering ARC in this link:

Is it the same as yours?

DTAN 發表於 2010-9-17 00:19

Hi Shum,

The ARC here is different as it stands for Anthem Room Correction.

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