New appleTV
都係google tv吸引d 最初睇, 諗住見到 iPad + Airplay => AppleTV 呢個 Combo 真係唔俾 Apple Tax 唔得了.
可惜... 大家明顯俾 SJ 出口術 KO 左. HD <> 1080p.
有D失望, 今次似乎可以保住銀包了. 因為 iPad + VGA Cable 已幫到手 做 iPhoto Sharing to the family 了. only 1280 x 720 (P or i?)@@
only net TV? AppleTV其實喺香港係冇用嘅,冇itunes户口租電影即係廢囉。但佢哋只係美國市場已經唔小嘢,1280x720 online streaming VOD只係US$4.99!
本帖最後由 dweqte 於 2010-9-2 11:12 編輯
But with Airplay, you can use Apple TV as a media HUB, and wireless play your photo slide or Music and Video from your 4.1 Iphone, Ipod Touch or Ipad...
Airplay is very attraction itself already!
I Would love to have the apple tv doing Airplay for my home! The main feature of Movie and TV rental is no use really... 720p quanlity only...
Before i want the multi room system like but end up with too expensive.... like 4K HKD per unit per room atleast.... just for streaming music.... and Apple TV only USD99 each for music, video + photo.... so....
just wonder any Ching know any good place for 美國代購服務? so i can purchase the Apple TV?
i would love to buy 3 x Apple TV for my home.... 即係可以慳返, 起初仲有d興趣 點解Steve Jobs次次都係著果件衫 {:6_185:}