發表於 2010-9-4 19:20
搵下氣Simon兄之前出既舊Post睇下啦. 美版config有少少唔同, 但
A700 = 667
A800 = 767
A1000 = 1067
A2000 = 2067
A3000 = 3067
發表於 2010-9-7 13:27
搵下氣Simon兄之前出既舊Post睇下啦. 美版config有少少唔同, 但
A700 = 667
A800 = 767
A1000 = 1067
A200 ...
macjuju 發表於 2010-9-4 19:20
CHing, How much of 677 and 767 in current updated price ar?
If I use these AMP to listen 2 or 2.1 ch music CD, what would be the comments from you le?
發表於 2010-9-7 14:24
本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-9-7 14:30 編輯
SUEDEHK 發表於 2010-9-3 18:23
i used yamaha 3800 before , i will said if u like the dsp mode and get used to it , then u will like it very much , the dsp mode always surround you but if u don't like it , u will describe it as a fog around you , not clear.u have to try it yourself and see if u like it to make the final choice .
since you have focus audio speaker which was a great speaker and you also have AudioAnalogue-Puccini int. amp , i guess this model have av bypass ? if yes , then power was not a big problem at all .
""各位師兄,就我的要求 跟用途,在..aroud 5k-7k 的價位,有沒有別品牌的型號的amp更加適合我的用途呢?有什麼好提議都可以,因短期內不會玩3d,所以就算是早1-2代的提議都可以.ONKYO,Pioneer 都ok,只是我不熟他們的長處,希望大家可以介紹一部岩我用的.""
if 早1-2代的提議都可以,and u are using dts only ......$7k can buy a second hand ex flagship model . quality was a lot better than these model for sure . like pioneer ax10i or denon avp.but seems their upscaling was old too for you .
if u decide to buy new hd amp ,i will suggest marantz .....if buget ok , then $9000 cambridge will be a better choice. marantz was well balance , if you listen more ,u will find out most of the japanese av amp 's high notes was quite thin ,bill or dry match with usual av speaker,marantz will be the better choice since it doesn't have any characteristic . quite easy to have well balance sound .
另外,那3對陳年小喇叭,用來當後置,跟front high 應付到嗎? 最好可以提議埋那一對當後置,那一對當front high.
they are fine , i will pick bose 101 for front high .
hope this help{:6_193:}
發表於 2010-9-7 15:37
回復 33# claero
thx 呢位師兄既詳細解答!..你真係答得好詳細,連用邊隻舊喇叭當FRONT HIGH 都答埋,..3Q!
.正,不過我真係要搵機會試下YAMAHA DSP先..不過玩中價型號的..HD時冇DSP..可能冇咩用...不過琴晚去試過.PIONNER 的LX53 都幾OK下..見到LX52 在特價...$ 6XXX 考慮中...等我慢慢試慢慢才買,都不急,一直大有新機在推出黎.
發表於 2010-9-7 16:00
本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-9-7 16:01 編輯
thx 呢位師兄既詳細解答!..你真係答得好詳細,連用邊隻舊喇叭當FRONT HIGH 都答埋,..3Q ...
SUEDEHK 發表於 2010-9-7 15:37
u welcome la .......{:1_253:}
i won't suggest pioneer honestly unless u owned b&w , the hardest one to match , especially for who play with high volume ,usually very bill .u need to use a lot of cables to make it darker and thicker ,nomatter onkyo , denon ,yamaha or marantz will be still better in sound quality .{:1_345:}