求救Xbox 360 HDMI Input問題
今日諗住用部360試部新LCD電視Panasonic S25,唔知點解用HDMI Input完全冇聲冇反應! 色差就冇問題!跟住用PS3駁部新LCD TV就完全冇問題,證明左唔係TV問題。
跟住我拎番部360入房試,用同一條線駁番部LG Mon又冇問題!
唔該先! Take a note , especially at item 2:
To connect your Xbox 360 console to your high-definition TV (HDTV):
1. Turn off your console.
2. If another AV cable (such as the component HD AV cable) is already connected to the AV port on your console, disconnect it before continuing.
3. Connect the HDMI AV cable connector to the HDMI AV port (not the standard AV port) on the console.
4. Connect the other end of the HDMI AV cable to the HDMI input on your TV.
5. Turn on your console. From My Xbox, System Settings, select the appropriate high definition video setting for your TV.