Jackiewakusome 發表於 2010-8-31 10:49

Any brother tried both Denon Amp and Onkyo Amp b4?

Hi everybody, please gimme your valuable advice. {:6_162:}

My old setup: (all used original power cords)
Amp: Denon AVC A11 (Used optical from BDP to Amp only, because the Amp is not HD Amp)
BDP: Pioneer LX-71
Subwoofer: Velodyne SPL-1000 Ultra

My new set up: (all have new power cable already)
Amp: Onkyo 5507 + 5500 (Using HDMI from BDP to Amp)
BDP: Pioneer LX-71
Subwoofer: Velodyne SPL-1000 Ultra

What annoying me is that the old set up got deeper bass, {:6_156:} while the new set up's bass is less now. What is the reason? Due to power cords? Or HDMI? Or new Amp? Or Denon Amp always have more bass than Onkyo? Or setting? Any brother can help? {:6_140:}

Regards. {:6_162:}

hogoh 發表於 2010-8-31 11:47

睇黎C兄都係愛BASS之人,DENON出名BASS勁,ONKYO係會差D,玩多一排真係唔o岩咪放左佢換番DENON AMP....!

Jackiewakusome 發表於 2010-8-31 12:03

but denon amp's quality is......{:6_154:}

bearbear1314 發表於 2010-8-31 12:19


Jackiewakusome 發表於 2010-8-31 12:30

actually, I dont wanna change the equipment anymore. Anyway, can a change in HDMI cable help? I am using Furutech (from amp to TV) and Audioquest (from BDP to Amp). {:6_162:}
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