Ordered BDs arrived!!!
My ordered BDs arrivedAll are US version, I like US versions
I hate HK versions and I hate Cantonese subtitles!!!
{:6_157:} 本帖最後由 SonSon 於 2010-8-30 15:30 編輯
Jackie兄, 各有各版本優劣, 唔係外國版本BD就一定好, 月亮一定圓. 呢度好多版友英文程度唔太好, 包括小弟, 冇中文字幕既戲好難100%睇得明. 我唔鐘意廣東話字幕,要台式中文字幕{:1_343:} sonson,
HK version's quality is always downgraded by HK 代理, so I'd rather look up dictionary and learn more English. If HK version, I will definitely not buy. {:6_124:}
I tried searching US version BDs everywhere but only HK version can be found. Moreover, HK versions are expensive, so I bought US version from Amazon! {:6_142:} bd有機會係共版, 就算你係外國訂, 最終都係港版。 What made you so mad at the HK version? Something happened? bd有機會係共版, 就算你係外國訂, 最終都係港版。
what is 共版? I checked b4 order, so no problem. 180 per piece from usa is not cheap at all{:1_262:} 如果呢3隻碟黎計都平過港版既~~其實各人有各人喜好, 無乜所謂, 不過樓主既崇洋言論就真係唔係個個人認同到啦, 反而有興趣想知樓主幾時會移民美國呢~?{:6_176:} 我唔鐘意廣東話字幕,要台式中文字幕
hgc021321 發表於 2010-8-30 15:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif