上啦~~ching i have listened to Weiss DAC 202 - not only detail but also musical.only problem is price too high!!!!
i have listened to Weiss DAC 202 - not only detail but also musical.only problem is price too high!!!!一分錢一分貨,一般嚟講越貴係越好。
Sent from my iPhone using 大板凳 大佬。。。。買得weiss DAC 202 不如買部cd player簡單又解決問題。
Cyrus有沒有人玩緊?個樣幾得意ah 又細部 平平地入部cdp玩吓咪知囉 {:6_167:} Cyrus有沒有人玩緊?個樣幾得意ah 又細部...
doonald 發表於 2010-8-31 02:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
What HiFi 5 stars
http://whathifi.com/Review/Cyrus-CD-6-SE/ 本帖最後由 PeterB 於 2010-8-31 11:32 編輯
換部靚transport,肯定好多 feel
http://www.cec-web.co.jp/products/cdplayer/tl0x/img/tl0x_m.jpg 嘩。。。又出神器 我都係用 RX6, run-in 左 over 200hrs 個底音先開始黎, Ching 比心機煲下佢先 我都係用 RX6, run-in 左 over 200hrs 個底音先開始黎, Ching 比心機煲下佢先
roica 發表於 2010-8-31 12:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Agree! 我用RS6... 大大話話都成500hrs先叫開始開聲