Quad 11L2
小弟剛入手Quad 11L2,現時用Marantz 6004 AV amp + Inakustik LS502喇叭線同原裝jumper小弟有以下方案,請問邊個比較好同較經濟呢?
1) 轉LS 1002 喇叭線bi-wire
2) 加多對LS 502 行bi-wire
3) 換jumper (請推介jumper) Will Ching use bi-amp function in 6004? will make it even better.{:6_177:} 回復 2# babuwa
係唔係指用AB speaker,我唔係好識,如果用bi-amp,係咪買多對speaker cable就得呀,唔該 回復babuwa
係唔係指用AB speaker,我唔係好識,如果用bi-amp,係咪買多對speaker cable就得呀,唔該 ...
william2235 發表於 2010-8-28 01:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
not AB speaker, from the manual, should be A+C speaker,at the back panel of 6004, have a switch to change surround back speaker to push front speaker(speaker C) , as a results, front amp will push HF and surround back amp will push LF, but you can only use 5.1, can't use 7.1 since surround back already used to push front speaker.{:6_166:} 回復 4# babuwa
有5聲道power amp
你會推介點駁?? 回復babuwa
有5聲道power amp
sanlamsan 發表於 2010-8-28 01:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
int. amp must push front speaker la{:6_175:} , 5聲道power amp push rest of the channel.{:6_210:} 回復 4# babuwa