你會買 5D MarkII, 7D or 60D
本帖最後由 sonyjoe 於 2010-8-27 21:33 編輯5D MARKII 3個level泥wor 5D should be a good choice if budget not major concern! 朋友本來有5DII,之後入7D玩左一個月賣走5DII,再一個月後賣晒所有Canon野同7D轉會Nikon. 5DII畫質最正,不過都要睇用來影咩,如果要對焦快同連拍功能,就7D好d 如果咩鏡都冇我會選7D,因為EFS鏡係比較經濟同輕便,如果已經有幾枝FULL FILM鏡又或要求高畫質就5DII 5DII畫質最正,不過都要睇用來影咩,如果要對焦快同連拍功能,就7D好d
william2235 發表於 2010-8-27 23:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
agree...... 基本上唔會揀canon, 但有錢的話都想試1d mk IV~ 5d2 - specialize on brokeh, quality, large output resolution
7d- specialize on speed
((60d- the only concern is the flip screen (if that's really necessary), otherwise 7d is a must.))
To a new hand, they are all good cameras anyways.