onkyo 605 開唔到
小弟有部 605 有時一開佢會自動閂返, 個standby 燈會自己閃, 再開佢又係咁, 已經試過拆晒d 線再開機都係咁請問有無人試過有咁既情況?
唔該晒 it seems like the case ofthe internal electronic circuit protection was activated as per the user manual, which may be caused by short circuit or power-surge.c ching you may try to unplug the powercord socket and let it wait for like 1 hour before you plug the powercord back-on, then try to start again.
I had the same problem with my 607 (on the 9th day after i bought it) before, but it couldn't get back to normal, so i took it back to the shop & exchanged for a new one(fortrexx) coz it's still within 10days 1-swap-1 period.
The onkyo sales said if it couldn't get back to normal after the above mentioned method, then there is problem with the motherboard, which must be sent back for repair it seems like the case ofthe internal electronic circuit protection was activated as per the user...
jasonhh 發表於 2010-8-27 14:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
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唔該晒 小弟有部 605 有時一開佢會自動閂返, 個standby 燈會自己閃, 再開佢又係咁, 已經試過拆晒d 線再開機都係咁
jcac01 發表於 2010-8-27 14:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我用706試過同你一樣,自動熄機,個standby燈達達聲不停跳,之後我拍埋片拎去onkyo保養維修,攞機時個師父話入面有個插鬆左,我部直到宜家都一切正常,冇再試過喇! 我用706試過同你一樣,自動熄機,個standby燈達達聲不停跳,之後我拍埋片拎去onkyo保養維修,攞機時個師父話入 ...
aiken 發表於 2010-8-27 17:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
但係我已經過左保.......... 唔該晒
jcac01 發表於 2010-8-27 19:23 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
或者你試下打開個機殼,按一按實入面D插位再試下先。(不過記得蚊左電源線先好搞喎) 或者你試下打開個機殼,按一按實入面D插位再試下先。(不過記得蚊左電源線先好搞喎) ...
aiken 發表於 2010-8-27 19:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ok 唔該晒你