請留字,THX!! Yau shinx 16/F, but not sure have this model or not.{:6_175:} THX,babuwa !! 16/f ,do u know the shop name?i will call to shop!! 多色任選.............{:6_139:} 本帖最後由 babuwa 於 2010-8-26 23:31 編輯THX,babuwa !! 16/f ,do u know the shop name?i will call to shop!!
voice 發表於 2010-8-26 19:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
16/F only have one shop, call 天X or X下{:6_142:} THXX babuwa hing, i will check it !!