AW2 發表於 2008-2-29 11:50

New Line to Become a Unit of Warner Bros

This afternoon, we announced that New Line will be operated as a unit of Warner Bros.
New Line will continue to retain its own brand identity and will maintain separate development, production, marketing, distribution, and business affairs operations, but it will now coordinate those functions with Warner Bros.

The combination should strengthen our company’s filmed entertainment business by combining New Line with Warner Bros.’ industry-leading position and global reach.
New Line has a proud 40-year legacy of producing creative, cutting-edge entertainment.
That will continue.
But, given trends in the industry toward fewer movie releases, the importance of a coordinated strategy for the international and digital distribution of filmed entertainment, and the need to continue to make sure that we’re running our businesses as efficiently as possible, it made sense for us to combine our studios’ infrastructures.

Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne, the Co-Chairs and Co-CEOs of New Line, have chosen to leave the company, but we’re in discussions about possible future business relationships.Bob and Michael have a unique partnership that is noteworthy not only for its longevity, but also for its record of innovation and success.They have guided New Line’s growth from a privately-held art film distributor to the world’s leading independent film studio – home to such popular films as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Mask, Austin Powers, Blade, Rush Hour, Elf, Wedding Crashers and Hairspray.I thank Bob and Michael for their enduring contributions to Time Warner and look forward to working with them in the future.

This consolidation will also result in changes, including the elimination of jobs at New Line.
Warner Bros. is currently working through the details and will let people know how the changes affect them as soon as possible.
Colleagues whose jobs are eliminated will be treated fairly and respectfully.
These are very difficult decisions, but they’re important for the future success of our film studios and our company.

frankiewoo2001 發表於 2008-2-29 16:25


AW2 發表於 2008-2-29 16:58

原帖由 frankiewoo2001 於 2008-2-29 16:25 發表
nope....before New Line only under Times Warner group. But now it's just like ex-sister company "Castle Rock" becomes to an unit UNDER Warner Bros. Pictures.
That means maybe WB (HK) will take over the video/movie distribution right..... :lol

frankiewoo2001 發表於 2008-3-1 00:04

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