lay133 發表於 2010-8-19 23:13

Velodyne DD10

Where can I buy the Velodyne DD10, preferrably in HK side ? I have no doubt on its sound performance & my only concern is it has been in the market for around 6-7 years, so it may be replaced by a new model very soon. Any C Hing has any information about this ?

andrew322 發表於 2010-8-19 23:47

Radar Audio Company
銅鑼灣皇室堡地庫B1室 or 時代廣場9樓905B鋪

stanley2468 發表於 2010-8-20 00:54


avbadboy 發表於 2010-8-20 15:31

Is the DD series the higest level of subwoofers of Velodyne?

lay133 發表於 2010-8-20 20:56

回復 4# avbadboy

I think it is the top series available in HK.You can visit the Velodyne website for more details.

victoryyh 發表於 2010-8-29 02:12

I think DD series is the highest level of subwoofer of Velodyne
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