maguc tv 求教
唔知部機咩事一直please wait,請問點以救機(本人唔件左manua)唔該... Download firmware at, extract the file into USB device, insert USB inot Magic TV USB port, switch off Magic TV, hold down the front panel Button and switch on Magic TV. Magic TV will autodetect the firmware on the USB drivice, pass OK to process firmware install. 整完都係咁....please wait.....
慘... 本帖最後由 是嗎 於 2010-8-19 22:13 編輯
我換左火牛就無事了..不過係用左hdd 呵隻,有無師兄介紹隻牛呢? reset ok ma...? 回復 5# ryuichi
ok啦~不過hdd隻牛用左去magic tv ,而家無得錄影{:6_125:}