劉一舟 發表於 2010-8-19 00:02

《摩登時代》Modern Times : Blu-ray (Criterion Collection)

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2010-8-19 00:10 編輯

差利卓別靈1936年自編自導自演作品,以前由華納發行,今次由CC版推出雙碟版本 (BD+DVD),11月16日上架。

﹣New audio commentary by Chaplin biographer David Robinson
﹣Two new visual essays, by Chaplin historians John Bengtson and Jeffrey Vance
﹣New program on the film's visual and sound effects, with experts Craig Barron and Ben Burtt
﹣Interview from 1992 with Modern Times music arranger David Raksin
﹣Chaplin Today: "Modern Times" (2004), a half-hour program with filmmakers Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne
﹣Two segments removed from the film
﹣Three theatrical trailers
﹣All at Sea (1933), a home movie by Alistair Cooke featuring Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, and Cooke, plus a new score by Donald Sosin and a new interview with Cooke's daughter, Susan Cooke Kittredge
﹣The Rink (1916), a Chaplin two-reeler highlighting his skill on wheels
﹣For the First Time (1967), a Cuban documentary short about a projectionist who shows Modern Times to first-time moviegoers
﹣A booklet featuring an essay by film critic Saul Austerlitz and a piece by film scholar Lisa Stein that includes excerpts from Chaplin's writing about his travels in 1931 and 1932

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