Network streaming
各Ching,有事請教。小第嘅files都係放係隻NAS度(Synology 411+),network可以行Gigabit,但無論係電腦(Thinkpad T61p notebook) 或者 Popbox 放 BD 片都 lag,但DVD片就好ok。唔知你地有無遇過相同問題? Gigabit 都lag {:6_200:},因為我都想用network讀電腦裡面bd iso,但有d師兄話經network讀電腦裡面bd iso會好窒,我重要無Gigabit{:6_185:} network 係 Gigabit != 個NAS 可以有能力send 咁快嘅野出黎
亦有機會係粒network chips 頂唔順
仲有如果用種wifi 效果會更差 Try to connect your pc and media player with a gigabit switch or router in between. This case work for me and there is no stuttering at all when streaming .ts files with HD sound (DTS HDMA or DD TrueHD bitstream to Amp). 回復 4# herculez
Finally found out that the problem is from my Aztech Gigabyte homeplug.Have give it up and use Cat 5 cable instead and the problem is solved.
Thanks, Ching, anyway.