skillm 發表於 2010-8-16 22:21

samsung 3dtv with onkyo HDMI issue

Samsung 3Dtv with Onkyo TX-SR608 HDMI issue-FIXED
There appears to be a problem with Samsungs 3d TVs with the latest AV Receiver ONKYO TX SR608.

I've reported my issue to Samsung via their online support, they sent an engineer after a factory reset and install of the latest firmware 1013 did not solve the problem.

This same problem has been mentioned in other threads but unless you look at them (the title might not be your TV) you may not find them.
Samsung UE55 HDMI issue

Samsung UE40C8000 owners thread

With other forum members mentioning this and the Samsung engineer who came out to 'fix' mine stated he'd seen the same problem with the same two products at the beginning of this week. i thought I'd create a common thread highlighting the issue.

The problem is with the HDMI handshaking between the two units.

Initially everything is fine until you turn off the AV Receiver followed by putting the TV into standby.
Once the SR608 is turned off it's not recognised by the TV the 2nd time around when you turn the TV back on followed by the 608.

In my case the Onkyo is connected to HDMI port2 and after you turn it off. (TV into standby) turn on the TV, then the SR608 is not recognised and HDMI slot3 appears in the top source menu even though nothings connected.

The TV then looks for the connection and then states no cable connected.
The workaround, as found by others, is to simply switch off the TV, unplug from the wall, then turn it all back on again. Everything is fixed.

It would appear that if you do not turn off the SR608 and only have it in standby mode, the TV does not have a problem with it. Its only when you switch off the AV receiver does the problem manifest itself.

byber 發表於 2010-8-22 09:55

I have the same problem with 7 series Samsung 3D LED TV 46''
but I am using Onkyo SR508.
First has no problem but after my TV also can not detect the HDMI input and I need to unplug the HDMI, or sometime 'Edit the Source Name in TV', it will work again but it is so annoying because most of time, it won't able to detect.
Do you have the same problem?How did you solve it?please help, thanks
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