alexwong2k 發表於 2010-8-15 00:25

Klipsch 2010全新參考Mark II系列

本帖最後由 alexwong2k 於 2010-8-15 01:05 編輯

美國傑士將最新RC 52/62 Mark II,RF52/62 Mark II,RS 42/52/62 Mark II正式放上web,早前視聽展巳偷步show出.

■Remarkable balance of performance and value
■Fills medium to large rooms with dynamic sound reproduction
■Equally impressive with music and movies
■Highly efficient design produces more output using less energy
■Accurate, non-fatiguing sound provides hours of listening pleasure
■Plays louder with less distortion than the competition
■Enhanced 1" titanium horn-loaded tweeter, dual high-output 5.25" woofers
■Beautiful wood-grain vinyl veneer cabinet

■Top bookshelf speaker in Reference Series line
■Ideal for audiophiles who don’t have room for a floorstander
■Fills larger rooms with lifelike music and movie performances
■Highly efficient design produces more output using less energy
■Accurate, non-fatiguing sound provides hours of listening pleasure
■Plays louder with less distortion than the competition
■Dual threaded inserts for use with third-party stands
■Beautiful wood-grain vinyl cabinet

■A high-end choice in center channel design
■Delivers realistic, balanced home theater sound
■Highly efficient design produces more output using less energy
■Magnetically shielded drivers prevent TV interference
■Enhanced 1" titanium horn-loaded tweeter, dual 6.5" high-output woofers
■Tiltable feet for placement above/below seated ear height
■Beautiful wood-grain vinyl cabinet

■Remarkable balance of performance and value
■Delivers rich and detailed surround sound
■Highly efficient design produces more output using less energy
■Dual 1" titanium horn-loaded tweeters, dual 4" high-output woofers
■Keyhole bracket and dual threaded inserts for easy installation
■Sleek, contemporary cabinet

alexwong2k 發表於 2010-8-15 00:50

今次第5代RF series改善左音樂感同減低粗聲吵耳既耐聽感,唔知幾時可以試下呢{:1_262:}

eddy310 發表於 2010-8-15 03:32

唔知隻RS-42 II/ 52 II 大約幾錢..?

AST(Gym) 發表於 2010-8-15 04:03


jay148 發表於 2010-8-15 07:30

係lu 以前好似型D喎~~

shing517 發表於 2010-8-15 08:38


alexwong2k 發表於 2010-8-15 08:56


maner394 發表於 2010-8-15 12:22

係lu 以前好似型D喎~~
jay148 發表於 2010-8-15 07:30


benjamin 發表於 2010-8-16 09:35

我記得AV show 見到RC52 mk2 list price 29xx

LPL 發表於 2010-8-16 13:27

I like this one, dont know how much nei.... {:1_332:} {:1_332:}
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