aidan 發表於 2010-8-16 21:26

回復 29# JamesK

FF=Full Frame全片幅 (D700, D3 or D3s)

macjuju 發表於 2010-8-16 21:39

回復 23# JamesK

有的, 就係 AF-S 35/1.8G

吹水 Ken 講既 35/2D vs 35/1.8G

The Nikon 35mm f/2 AF-D was introduced 20 years ago in 1989, and is still sold today.
It uses the old mechanical AF system. It won't autofocus on the D40, D40X or D60. (重有新果D 3000/5000/ 所有 DX 系統)
When it does autofocus, as it will on the F6, D50, D70, D80, D90 and etc., the focus ring turns and you have to keep your hands off of it.
If you're counting pixels, the 35/2D is not as sharp as the new 35mm f/1.8G, but it does cover film and FX if you plan to upgrade.

I'd pass on the 35/2 unless you're shooting film or FX today. For DX, the $199 35/1.8G is so good I'd not wish the clunky mechanical focus of the 35/2 on you if you're shooting DX and could use the 35/1.8G.

我就會話如果係用 DX Format 既機, 又唔會花太多錢買鏡話, 35/1.8G 呢支一定係必買.
當年試玩過 50/1.8, 係就係七舊水 (當時價錢) 大光圈, 但用落係 DX機度, 唔知點咁.. 而且鏡頭有價, 真係唔啱賣番出去咩當幾舊水租鏡玩下囉....

而乜係 DX Format? 太多人講了, 不如自己睇 - 易睇的.

JamesK 發表於 2010-8-16 22:19

回復 32# macjuju
Thank you so much! The link contains so much useful information!!! {:6_196:}
I guess I could make decision after reading it.
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查看完整版本: NIKKOR LENS AF 35mm f/2D

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