Pioneer 500A
今天經過ssp新X田見到全新500A、500M $@$%)),佢話係最後一水,乜重有貨嘅?{:6_183:} 如果係新貨唔係B貨就真係好抵呀! {:6_134:} 可惜擺房又好似大左D !!{:6_127:} 半年前都係呢個價,仲送Magic TV 3500. 而家接近2皮半不如等一等Panasonic TH-P46VT2,睇下開乜野價先,話哂有3D玩 但係pan啲畫汁好似唔夠pioneer靚 半年前都係呢個價,仲送Magic TV 3500. 而家接近2皮半不如等一等Panasonic TH-P46VT2,睇下開乜野價先,話哂有 ...whko 發表於 2010-8-11 21:59
咁比, 而家個價真係勁唔抵 {:6_183:}
再加上 p 記新一代又有改善, 水貨的 500A 相對唔抵. Seem this is really the last lot so they picked up the price a lot...... I bought 500A fm them at $!(%)) only...........{:6_192:} Seem this is really the last lot so they picked up the price a lot...... I bought 500A fm them at $! ...
danny73 發表於 2010-8-11 23:14
Is it water goods? Yes....... the last Hong 500A has been gone long time ago, unless you are willing to pay $#*()) to take one fm Fortress......... 咁比, 而家個價真係勁唔抵
再加上 p 記新一代又有改善, 水貨的 500A 相對唔抵. ...
miipp 發表於 2010-8-11 23:07
除左水貨保養問題,根據外國網站測試 VT2 的畫質還比 Kuro 9 差少少。{:6_162:}