HK version and US version
Hi everyone,For Blu Ray Discs between HK version and US version, is there any big difference in sound and picture? {:1_345:}{:1_345:} Thx very much pal! 本帖最後由 kevchan1103 於 2010-8-11 15:28 編輯
Yes,比香港代理"掂"過通常實差D (得利,Panorama, etc), 有時d代理無良心起上來cut走晒d special feature,壓落隻BD25都試過... 但有時有d hk version 係發行商自己出番會好D (eg. Shutter Island - Sony),所以雖然唔敢話隻隻都差,但如果識英文買番美版最穩陣... yeah, if I see 得利,Panorama, IVL, etc, I wont buy 有時係行貨---隻碟都係美版,,,只係加句XXX發行有限公司 本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2010-8-11 16:14 編輯
Yes,比香港代理"掂"過通常實差D (得利,Panorama, etc), 有時d代理無良心起上來cut走晒d special feature,壓落隻BD25都試過... 但有時有d hk version 係發行商自己出番會好D (eg. Shutter Island - Sony),所以雖然唔敢話隻隻都差,但如果識英文買番美版最穩陣...
kevchan1103 發表於 2010-8-11 15:26
老鐳及華娛等自家製品和外版有出入唔怪得佢,因為係佢地自己做番,最後製成品因應巿場需要及版權問題而出,未必同外版一樣,取決於消費者買定唔買;但ching你講的港版 "Shutter Island" 係派記出 (得利代理),不是Sony!!! 回復 7# 劉一舟
Ching, maybe you are right, I don't own the disc, I thought it was Sony, but the main point is that version does not have those Chinese 代理 information at the back, its all english like the US version, so I think that version should be same quality as US version. 基本上八大片商香港代理所出嘅產物全部由外版引進,香港只是包裝工程,所以外版有乜港版就有乜,但有時因應巿場需要或考慮,去到港版手上可能少咁隻碟,最近例子就係得利嘅 "屍中罪"!!! 基本上八大片商香港代理所出嘅產物全部由外版引進,香港只是包裝工程,所以外版有乜港版就有乜,但有時因應 ...
劉一舟 發表於 2010-8-11 16:47
但係佢會唔會再修改調整D 畫面同埋聲效呢?