daytona 發表於 2010-8-10 22:27

KEF 中置 - Cresta 20c or iQ 6 or iQ60

Hi Ching,

I am using KEF iQ5 with Cresta 20c 中置, will there be any change if I change to iQ6 or iQ 60 ?Also any recommendation on sub-woofer ?

Many thanks.

awu 發表於 2010-8-10 23:31

An older version, IQ6C, is very good and generally cheaper than IQ60.

daytona 發表於 2010-8-10 23:35

Thanks, so there is improvement from Cresta 20c to IQ6C ?

smith14 發表於 2010-8-10 23:57

回復 1# daytona

daytona C Hing

你用iQ5 前置, 當然配返iQ60c好D o拉, 同一系列夾聲D

iQ60c是用新一代Uni Q單元, 改善o左高音

我前日都由舊JBL中置換o左iQ60c夾返對iQ9, 對白清0左, 人聲出o左, 聽多o左o野{:6_193:}

lemonstar 發表於 2010-8-11 01:55

iq5 should match with iq6c
of cos if c hing has the budget, go for iq60c instead of the ex iq6c

daytona 發表於 2010-8-11 07:20

thanks for all your comment.Where can i find iQ6C ?Any idea ? or any place sell new iQ60c at good price...
Many thanks

awu 發表於 2010-8-11 11:25

本帖最後由 awu 於 2010-8-11 11:28 編輯

MK Basement, Michxxx Audxx. about HK$@&)) for IQ6C.Many salesmen told me that IQ60C is only a little bit better than IC6C.Price difference is 30% higher

smith14 發表於 2010-8-11 12:42

i bought iQ60c at KEF Shop

$ #^))

clarkwan 發表於 2010-8-11 14:32

IQ 60C 好好.d 對白好清..自己用緊冇後悔

daytona 發表於 2010-8-11 22:02

Thanks for all your advice.I will go check it out
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