AW2 發表於 2008-2-20 11:03

Game over! Universal Studios Goes Blu
Universal Studios Home Entertainment has officially announced that it will release its titles on Blu-ray.
Though details of the studio's transition away from HD DVD were still sketchy at press time, Universal Studios Home Entertainment President Craig Kornblau officially confirmed the move in a just issued statement:
"The path for widespread adoption of the next-generation platform has finally become clear. Universal will continue its aggressive efforts to broaden awareness for hi-def’s unparalleled offerings in interactivity and connectivity, at an increasingly affordable price. The emergence of a single, high-definition format is cause for consumers, as well as the entire entertainment industry, to celebrate. While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray."
Universal's statement this morning comes only hours after primary HD DVD-backer Toshiba announced that it would drop its support of the format. Universal was the format's most ardent studio backer, having released titles on HD DVD exclusively since the format's inception.

Terence 發表於 2008-2-20 11:19


魚腮人 發表於 2008-2-20 11:22

原帖由 Terence 於 2008-2-20 11:19 發表

Toshiba 自己都唔玩,Universial 同 paramount 都應該係呢一兩日公佈跳船o架啦,無話邊個快邊過慢,無大分別

小瑟 發表於 2008-2-20 11:26

終於統一左個格式, 唔洗煩勒, 希望快D有D比較性價比高既 PLAYER見街啦~~~:lol
好野, KING KONG好快可以係 BLU-RAY上出現, 仲有好多好多戲都好想買返呢!!!Smilies011 Smilies011 Smilies011

hand神 發表於 2008-2-20 17:13

幾時出american gangster呢Smilies011

radhk 發表於 2008-2-20 17:27


AW2 發表於 2008-2-21 23:12

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