shamtsuenman 發表於 2010-8-10 14:48

CD Player.

Hi Every Ching:

Actually, I only got the PS3 Slim and I would like to use that as a CD player since no money{:6_203:} . How it's quality?
Besides, I saw so much kinds of CD in market such as (SACD, LPCD etc.). PS3 can read all of them??
Last question, How many kinds of CD and what's the difference?

Thank you!{:6_162:} !

moliu 發表於 2010-8-10 15:08



babuwa 發表於 2010-8-10 15:11

PS slim can play it all except SACD's SACD layer and DVD-Audio.
How many kinds really can't name it all, but most popular should be SACD, XRCD, LPCD, HQCD, SHM-CD, Blu-spec and AQCD.

what's the different can't be explain easily since different record company release different format, you can't compare directly.{:6_136:}

eric23sg 發表於 2010-8-10 17:18

PS3 得舊版好似係60gb 版本先係宇宙盤,
其他係用到cd, dvd 同埋blu-ray, 薄版連vcd都睇唔到的!

ps3睇戲都仲可以, 聽歌好似爭咁啲,
我唔係啲咩金耳朵, 講唔出咩分別,

唔用cd盤, 一係玩下cas, 用電腦做source,
無論係cd-rom or mp3, 用dac出個好啲的amp,

不過, 玩咗一輪, 好似真係一個正式的cd盤出啲聲正好多!

平平哋 cambridge, marantz 都有啲盤千多二千元!

ilavbnm 發表於 2010-8-10 17:52

平平地marantz cd5003

eric23sg 發表於 2010-8-21 19:45

which one is better
sonyjoe1999 發表於 2010-8-20 23:52

TO me only CAMBRIDGE CD 30 is the best choice,
reasonable price, compact in size,
fit to my desk in my study room,
if I use 5003, half of the table was occupied by the CD player!

If you have enough place, you can choose 5003,
if place is limited, just consider cambridge CD 30

ryuichi 發表於 2010-8-22 00:10

TO me only CAMBRIDGE CD 30 is the best choice,
reasonable price, compact in size,
fit to my desk ...
eric23sg 發表於 2010-8-21 19:45

    so small size......CAMBRIDGE {:1_351:}

za+gp 發表於 2010-8-22 01:57

I am CA CD30 user, too.
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