OPPO showroom
請問有冇人知 OPPO 個 showroom 係收幾多點?thanks Ching where is the location of OPPO showroom{:6_141:} 辦工時間 1pm-9pm Ching where is the location of OPPO showroom
hondaek9 發表於 2010-8-9 13:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都唔記得,要 search 下舊 post
好似係旺角什麼大廈的 14 樓
有冇師兄可以講下o係邊? 本帖最後由 shing517 於 2010-8-9 15:50 編輯
百寶利大廈, 兆萬附近, sasa 側邊 兆萬格離,銀城對面。BO Acoustic. just call 9702 0838, the man will tell you