Yamaha New AV Receiver 2010
http://www.dancewithshadows.com/tech/yamaha-aventage-home-theater-receivers-launched/各位Yamaha 's Fans 终於等到啦, 等到啦, 等到頸長, 唔知Tom Lee 幾時到貨有得賣, 真係好靚仔.
到時請各位ching可有時間一起到毒氣室, 毒一毒, 精神晒......正.
又真係幾靚仔喎~ 唔知香港賣幾錢就真 http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=44637&extra=page%3D6
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=43544&highlight= 終於都要黎啦~~~ 好靚仔, 同以前個款唔同哂~
完全冇y記既感覺~ May not avilable in Hong Kong for this series.{:6_146:}{:6_146:} 好期待呀{:6_126:} i ve asked Patrick in AV show, HK is called 3067, and the function of 'center leg' is damper 祈求天父做十分鐘好人, 賜我YAMAHA 3067~~~{:6_187:}