提升Plasma 影像質素(第二回 改善電源)
o係度再次感謝在第一回幫過小弟忙的Ching{:6_162:}終於輪到電源方面,想請教下用乜牌子的電源線 for TV 用會最好??
Thanks a lot~~{:6_126:} 買返個濾波先,睇一睇效果.再想用什麽PC. 回復 2# pp101
thx ching 先,但有冇濾波推介?? C兄濾波有平有貴.最重要夾機.不如找其他C兄推界哪!!! PS audio...la{:6_193:} 回復 5# yuenmichael
Thx Ching~~ 回復yuenmichael
Thx Ching~~
DevilElvis 發表於 2010-8-9 12:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
http://www.psaudio.com/ps/products/detail/quintet?cat=power 回復 7# yuenmichael
成4K......買唔起ar{:6_156:} {:6_206:} I connect my TV (panasonic 46G10), oppo 83 SE and Audiolab 8000A (Int. Amp) to PS Audio Quintet.Power cable for the Quintet and Int. amp was Northwire 18A.I use Ortofon 3900 for TV and Oppo.Total investment on power is about 5K.It took about 1 month after the set up when the effects are become obvious:
TV: Noticeable improvement for non-HD channel like J2, Pearl etc.Less noise and brighter thus more pleasant to watch.Not significance in HD channel, except that the colour are "thicker".
Oppo:Improvement is significant for both DVD and bluray, less noise and colour more vivid.Again, improvement for DVD playback is more obvious.
Audio system:Most obvious.Significant improvement in details and soundstage.
In summary, I consider the upgrade worthwhile mainly because of audio improvement, and perhaps DVD/bluray playback.TV broadcast is less obvious. 回復 9# pda2009
thx Ching教路,但有冇平D的選擇??{:6_201:}