劉一舟 發表於 2010-8-7 02:25

《千禧三部曲》Millennium Trilogy : Blu-ray


sutter 發表於 2010-8-7 02:34

the girl with the dragon tattoo呢個名真係唔知點改,睇完都唔知同個dragon tattoo有咩關係...

r32 發表於 2010-8-7 05:56


tommykjensen :
"I bougth the extended versions on friday (blu-ray). Yesterday I returned film 2 and 3 due to extremely poor quality.

Film 2 and 3 have noise in extreme amounts.

Immediately when I started watching the second movie I noticed that it was poor quality compared to the shorter blu-ray version. Especially in dark scenes. I then viewed the same scene in both versions. In the short version about 13 minutes in Lisbet Salander comes to Milton Security office. In the extended version this is about 38 minutes in. The doorframe, desk, laptop and other dark objects show extreme amounts of noise in the extended version the noise is NOT present in the short version. So someone has gone horribly wrong in making the extended versions.

Nordisk Film recieved several complaints over them and they are investigating.

Dane :
"I don´t think you´re going to get very far with your complaint.

I saw all three "Extended" versions on Swedish television, and the quality was already pretty poor there. Part 2 & 3 were not ever intended to come out in the cinema as they were made as tv-movies, which ARE NOT made with the same high-quality equipment as with cinema movies."

tommykjensen :
"But I think you misunderstand my complaint.

I got (actually just sold them which I now regret) the first short versions of film 2 and 3 on blu-ray and the quality of those are MUCH better than the new extended versions of the same. That is what I would like Nordisk Film to explain. That cannot be explained by different recording equipment."

Rypro 525 :
"english subs?"

Dane :
"Danish, Swedish, Finnish & Norwegian only."

vin1013 發表於 2010-8-7 17:13

本帖最後由 vin1013 於 2010-8-7 17:14 編輯

回復 2# sutter

Have you really seen the film or read the book???"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" means the lead female character Lisbeth Salander who has a huge dragon tattoo at her back.
Even though the first film's story involved with solving a murder case, the story is actually about Salander.If you pay a bit more attention, you should be able to make the connection.

PS - the second and third part of the whole saga is even better than part 1.

sutter 發表於 2010-8-7 17:32


Have you really seen the film or read the book???"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"...
vin1013 發表於 2010-8-7 17:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


vin1013 發表於 2010-8-8 01:22

回復 5# sutter

The film deals with the male and female characters solving the murder case, but the whole film tends to spend a lot more time on Lisbeth Salander herself.In fact, in part 2 and part 3 of the whole trilogy, it's all about Lisbeth herself."The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" is just a set up to introduce her to the movie viewers and book readers.
PS - The original title of both the book and the movie...if translate directly from Swedish....should means "Men Who Hates Women".
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