you are welcome {:6_177:} 在那???? 加了钉脚{:6_237:} 嘩~!!公園呀{:6_212:} 钉脚, great!
Hi, remember to place the speakers with 钉脚 directly onto the floor, without any 1 dollar coin or anything underneath. Remember, you need to minimise the touching points of the speakers. If add 1 dollar coin, the touching area will be more, no good sound.
If possible, u can try 3 钉脚 on each speaker only, in order to minimise the touching points. {:6_134:} Jackiewakusome, thanks for your advice! I use a 5mm thick journal to support the spikes inorder to protect my floor...may need to figure out a better way later...{:6_238:}
RE: 新居预览 (新图)
打算在厨房和饭厅之间用玻璃墙间隔,油烟不会溜进客厅和隔声。在房间和客厅之间加多两个laminated glass doors。 在吉隆坡高级住宅区,不过价钱很便宜,百多万港纸,1600方尺。zairen 發表於 2010-8-6 16:13
{:6_195:} {:6_196:} {:6_212:} 本帖最後由 zairen 於 2010-9-26 21:19 編輯