eric23sg 發表於 2010-8-6 10:38


第一張(and第二張) sacd

滕田惠美 Camomile Blend SACD
張學友 Where is he SACD

剛聽過, 滕田惠美, 好正!

digiman 發表於 2010-8-6 11:22

If you don't have top quality SACD player,
HQCD is much better and easy to manage !

superpeter 發表於 2010-8-6 11:34

how about the K2HD? {:1_352:}

eric23sg 發表於 2010-8-6 13:03

本帖最後由 eric23sg 於 2010-8-6 13:04 編輯

If you don't have top quality SACD player,
HQCD is much better and easy to manage !
digiman 發表於 2010-8-6 11:22

I got some HQCD before, but want to try SACD,
so just bought two and play it in my OPPO BDP 80+HARMON KARDON amplifier,
it's sounds good!
Of course, HQCD also gave me very good experience!

Somebody say that BLU SPEC also have a very good quality,
but I don't know why I could not find the sound of BLU SPEC disc in very good quality?

digiman 發表於 2010-8-6 17:02

回復 4# eric23sg

I would always say, mastering or remastering on mother disc comes first than any formats like sacd, hqcd etc.
HQCD is on average of high-quality that you seldom miss by the past experiences.
SACD requires extremely high quality player (costs much if you have one good CDP)
and depends on mastering/recording.
SHMCD and BLU-SPEC CD are also depends on individual mastering and recording
and you must do some homework before purchase.
SHMCD suggests:
Eagles - Hell fleeces over and Dire Straits - Money for nothing.
While for blu-spec cds I have only 3 which are of good quality and
bought them also for mouth-to-mouth recommendation:
JAZZ IN BLU (compilation),
PANG LING (former HK cantonese singer) - the boys who sing for me (in Cantonese)
頁: [1]
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