I can't agree more with your point.And the price range for the amps you mention is.....?Thank you Francis.. 2萬STH..
未試過既話人地點講都唔會信...我明白...你自己試下就得...有D SPEAKER 易推既...俾唔夠POWER 最多唔夠好...唔會衰聲...但係B&W/PMC 呢類難推...低音種既SPEAKER 就唔係..你要俾一個相等既SPEAKER...先聽到合理既聲音....再加上804D 成7 萬元價位....你都冇理由搵部幾千1萬既AMP 去推佢瓜..假如你未買B&W..請師兄考慮清楚...如果買佐...就當呢段時間係煲SPEAKER...唔使俾太大奇望...盡快儲錢... 回復 13# francis_leung21
Many thx for your advice Buy B&W 8 series most problem is need to buy expensive amp to push it.{:6_168:}{:6_168:}