魚腮人 發表於 2008-4-27 22:48


AW2 發表於 2008-4-27 23:25

原帖由 魚腮人 於 2008-4-27 22:48 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

law1987 發表於 2008-4-27 23:32

經典呀:D :D

frankiewoo2001 發表於 2008-4-28 11:10


AW2 發表於 2008-4-28 11:30

原帖由 frankiewoo2001 於 2008-4-28 11:10 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

frankiewoo2001 發表於 2008-4-28 14:12


劉一舟 發表於 2009-10-16 21:44

電影大師費里尼的CC Blu-ray版將於明年2010年1月12日上架,呢套港版與CC版DVD都有入,BD版更加不容錯過!!!

Disc Features[*]High-definition digital transfer of restored film elements (with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on Blu-ray edition) [*]Introduction by filmmaker Terry Gilliam [*]Audio commentary featuring film critic and Fellini friend Gideon Bachmann and NYU film professor Antonio Monda [*]High-definition digital transfer of a new restoration of Fellini: A Director's Notebook, a 52-minute film by Federico Fellini [*]The Last Sequence, a new 52-minute documentary on Fellini's lost alternate ending for 8 1/2 (available on Blu-ray edition) [*]Nino Rota: Between Cinema and Concert, a compelling 48-minute documentary about Fellini's longtime composer [*]Interviews with actress Sandra Milo, director Lina Wertmüller, and cinematographer Vittorio Storaro [*]Rare photographs from Bachmann's collection [*]Gallery of behind-the-scenes and production photos [*]U.S. theatrical trailer [*]New and improved English subtitle translation [*]PLUS: A booklet featuring writings by Fellini and essays by critics Tullio Kezich and Alexander Sesonske

Fabregas 發表於 2009-10-16 22:21

Heard about this classic a long time ago
But never have the chance to watch it
If it is really $160, that's good news!

frankiewoo2001 發表於 2009-10-16 22:43


nigo12 發表於 2009-10-17 03:07

one of my favorite, open the horizon of men's fantasy

Blu-ray or DVD...
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: 費里尼: 八部半 Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 (3區港版/有實物圖)

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