各C兄有冇好介紹 SOXY LX900{:6_193:},不過要$82K{:6_205:} SOXY LX900 x2{:6_174:} SOXY LX900 x3{:6_174:}{:6_174:} 平d , 就 LG60Pk550 under 30K靚d 用Panasonic 65V10H 60" by all means Panasonic 60VT20 la~
But C Hing you need to wait till Sep bor!
No one panel can hold a candle to it except KURO9. To pln188 Hing,
60" by all means Panasonic 60VT20 la~ > Sure.
No one panel can hold a candle to it except KURO9. > As a KURO user, nice to hear that.
Thx. pan記3D Plasma VT20!!! PAN 記60VT20大約要幾錢? The dimension of pan tv should be 65" or 58" (not for HK) instead of 60". I guess the list price of 65" would be around HKD 70,000 to HKD 75,000 basing on currect model 65V10H.