man394兄,聽聞你最近試過隻JL110,如何呀?不過maner兄試果隻jl未run in好,效果應該未如理想,我都想知有咩comment, 快d捉佢出黎report下啦
Sent from my iPhone using 大板凳 星期5去左電腦展. 見到PCM 擺左set MK950 出呢.mk d底音既包圍感都幾好.有錢可以諗諗佢.{:1_352:} 本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-8-23 13:48 編輯
有2年用家咁講, 好有說服力, 所以我既夢想組合係SVS+MK...
不過無位同無錢, 哈!
成個LIST如果只可以PICK ...
Jeff.C.Y 發表於 2010-8-23 05:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
i m playing mk250 on my hand now ..if i can only pick one woofer , i guess i will go for velodyne or martin logan , mk250 have very great speed ,great punch ,but surround bass was 0 ,not deep at all , gravity was not enough as well(may be back fire better ), i ratherpick some band more balance , owns everything , then i can play easily have good sound .
martin logna old model 10" was on sale now .go test it , only 3k per piece, buy 2 piece 6000.very good deal {:1_344:} i m playing mk250 on my hand now ..if i can only pick one woofer , i guess i will go for velodyne...
claero 發表於 2010-8-23 13:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
冇見一段時間,好似換左好多野喎,連頭像個中置都換左. 里奧兄
ricoy288 發表於 2010-9-4 12:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
yes ....almost everything la. mk250 i was borrow from my friend play for a week already . 回復 49# claero
會唔會係Setting問題, 試下用room eq幫手調下, 應該可以做到分辨唔到woofer的位置 (即係隱形), 低音效果從四方八面而來, 我的mx250放在前方, 但後面有爆炸效果的話, 係會感到大量低音從後方湧至, 係明顯感到woofer放在後方似的
另外backfire在我家的分別都頗大, 如果唔用backfire的話, 量感會少咗好多, 唔單止係細聲左咁簡單, 就算調返高woofer音量後, 仍然感到無咁實淨, 有點散散地的感覺, 轉返backfire的話, 乜野感覺都返晒來, 一個字形容晒...........爽 回復claero
會唔會係Setting問題, 試下用room eq幫手調下, 應該可以做到分辨唔到woofer的位置 (即係隱 ...
hiulam 發表於 2010-9-6 09:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks for your advice anyway .....{:1_326:}
i have another woofer velodyne spl1000r at the same position when i test . the most problem for me was the gravity was not enough , back fire can solve this problem but the speed will be affected as slower .in the other way , velodyne have a better gravity unders the same sit., my position was not a corner , around 9 feet distance, but still i guess 9 ft was not enough for 12 " woofer , thats why the speed of velodyne 10 " have the same speed as mk . i did heard mk 250 having 13-15 feet can have a lot more strong punch n speed , but still no surround bass n gravity at all . 都有機會, 我個情況係皇帝位相距SUB仔有13呎遠, 另外師兄提及同時比較兩隻SUB仔, 請問是否放在同一位置試呢, 因為如果唔同位置下, 效果有好大分別, 我借助ROOMEQ幫我找出最好的係放在左上方, 試過將隻SUB仔放在其他地方都唔掂 本帖最後由 5.1外星人 於 2011-1-27 12:37 編輯
我都用緊M&K,但我諗JL{:6_193:}會較全面 我都同緊M&K,但我諗JL會較全面
5.1外星人 發表於 2010-12-3 18:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果以呢幾個MODEL來睇, JL師兄只提供 10吋型號, 我反而覺得呢五隻以 MK 最好, 一吋長一吋強, 12吋始終最尾果陣低頻係10吋好難做得出既呢~~~{:1_343:}