babuwa 發表於 2010-8-4 12:26

本帖最後由 babuwa 於 2010-8-4 12:28 編輯

Thank you for your suggsestion.

Is eci 3/5 a full name?
JamesK 發表於 2010-8-4 11:54

    brand should be Electrocompaniet,two models ECI-3 and ECI-5, ECI-5 is higher model and over 20K as I know. just found ECI-5 have Mk II.

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-8-4 13:00

各位c hing, 我現在用cm1 喇叭,想買 int. amp. 有by-pass 功能, 可以與 av amp. 共用喇叭。

己做一點 res ...
JamesK 發表於 2010-8-3 18:39

仲有英國Roksan K2和Musical Fidelity M6i。

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-8-4 18:20

brand should be Electrocompaniet,two models ECI-3 and ECI-5, ECI-5 is higher model and over ...
babuwa 發表於 2010-8-4 12:26


babuwa 發表於 2010-8-4 21:18

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-8-4 18:20

    唔Sure, 好似20K中,睇下有冇其他ching知{:6_146:} {:6_146:}

tcflex401 發表於 2010-8-4 22:08

回復 3# JamesK

    AV bypass in CA840A called fixed volume

tswtsc 發表於 2010-8-8 12:10

不如金仔 E-450 ~~
買咗金仔, 企出嚟講句野都唔同啲既! 經常話自己月入 XX 萬, 都無人敢唔信~ {: ...
Raphael 發表於 2010-8-4 11:55

cooljack 發表於 2010-8-8 13:24

我系Electrocompaniet用家,他推薦Electrocompaniet 嘅 ECI—5

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-8-8 13:53

回復 27# cooljack

A review from

I´ve been an Electrocompaniet user for several years. I also own a AW60 power amplifier. I bought the integrated ECI-5 to get advantage of the pre-amplifier, but also for its power (120 W at 8ohms and 80A Peak current).
The ECI-5 is a truly high end piece of equipment. Impecable buit, solid and carefully designed. The sound is amazing and can compete with anything in the market in the 2000-5000 USD range with no problem. It excels in jazz, classical, accoustic, neg age music, but also very good with any other kind of music.

Used with transparent kind of speakers (B&W, Castle, Tannoy, etc) it gives a highly musical performance. But with more sweet speakers like Sonus Faber it really shines, giving its owner a truly envolving sound difficult to find at any price.

Powerful but musical. Very bood bass, but very integrated with the middle and high frequencies, so the music as a whole is clear but with a very deed soundstage.
Solid design.
Sweet and very realistic human voice reproduction.
Excel and shine with jazz,classical (especially string instruments like violins, cello, etc), accoustic and new age.
Solid reproduction with other kind of music.
As Electrocompaniet says "If music really matters" this is your amp.
XLR capability (fully balanced).
Home theater input makes easy to integrate into a HT envinronment.

Not an amp for listening heavy metal (it would be a waste).

JamesK 發表於 2010-8-8 17:36

本帖最後由 JamesK 於 2010-8-8 17:38 編輯

回復 28# ANWKLO
ANWKLO, babuwa 及 cooljack c-hing,

Thank you so much for your advice and the valuable information about electrocompaniet. {:6_162:}
Very useful indeed.
However, if the rice is well above $20K, it will certainly be out of my budget. {:6_123:}
Do you know the current price for ECI 5?

Thanks a lot!

donji 發表於 2010-8-8 17:41

around $ 25.......u can go tim chi......trytry
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