simon 發表於 2010-8-2 17:27

mtv 3000 信號強度

由 65 - 72 走上走落是否不正的嗎? thanks !!

plnl88 發表於 2010-8-2 18:39

由 65 - 72 走上走落是否不正的嗎? thanks !!
simon 發表於 2010-8-2 17:27
正常!大過 50 已 ok。
但質量要 100% 喎。

simon 發表於 2010-8-2 19:15

本帖最後由 simon 於 2010-8-2 19:16 編輯

質量有 100% , 因間中爆格呢 , 上星期有幾日仲爆到睇唔到 HDJ添{:6_154:}

阿定 發表於 2010-8-2 19:21

質量有 100% , 因間中爆格呢 , 上星期有幾日仲爆到睇唔到 HDJ添
simon 發表於 2010-8-2 19:15

    呢幾日都係咁,我中午up左去 4.02 beta 4,sofar 到現在都無爆

simon 發表於 2010-8-2 19:48

咁我都試 up 0下先 ~ thanks ching {:6_162:}

simon 發表於 2010-8-2 20:09

噢 ~ 4.02 beta 4 官方網站還未有0既 ?? 請問那裡 d/l 呢 ?? THANKS !!

yksc668 發表於 2010-8-2 23:18

本帖最後由 yksc668 於 2010-8-2 23:20 編輯

Beta Firmware 4.02 beta4 here:

There are 2 versions, which support different USB Wi-Fi chipset. The rt2870 is the currently supported chipset in firmware 4.01. If you currently use a USB Wi-Fi adapter, please use the rt2870 firmware.

The firmware name in rt3070, supports USB Wi-Fi adapter using the newer rt3070 chipset. If you have a rt3070 USB Wi-Fi adapter (or plan to get a USB Wi-Fi adapter using rt3070 chipset), please use the rt3070 firmware.

From Jumbo Computer website These USB Wi-Fi adapters seems to use the rt3070 chipset and may work on the Magic TV with the rt3070 firmware:

- LevelOne WUA-0603
- Tenda W311U
- D-Link DWA-140 Rev B2
- D-Link DWA-125
- Asus USB-N13
- Buffalo WLI-UC-G300N-V1

Sorry, the Magic TV ROM size is not big enough to hold both Wi-Fi drivers, please select 1 to use.

If you use LAN connection (or don't have any network connection), please use the rt3070 version, because in future firmware we may stop supporting rt2870 USB Wi-Fi, as it's hard to buy in the market.



Major new feature is


which the EPG is enhanced and updated when the Magic TV is connected on the Internet. There will be more detail EPG information, such as detail program name and description, program genre, series recording, dynamic program information update in "To Do List", and more.

In EPG, user can press "i" key to switch to Genre view, which TV program is grouped in genre. If a program has "series" information, user can select "series" recording to record the whole series without worry broadcast time may shift between episode.

In "Recording Program List", when highlight on left side, press "i" to view only "series" recording.

To use the above function, the Magic TV must have a working internet connection, wired or wireless.

There are MANY CHANGE in this new BETA firmware. Some (hopefully minor) problem is expected! Please test and feedback.

As usual, beta firmware may have unknown issue so use it at your own risk.

simon 發表於 2010-8-2 23:43

回復 7# yksc668

Thanks a lot !!!{:6_162:}
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