P記1020K玩Front Height
各位ching,小弟新手一名,玩左AV唔係好耐.剛剛入手部P記1020K,小弟玩開7.1,現在想物盡其用,玩埋Front Height{:1_332:} 小弟想知道當加左Front Height開啟Pro Logic IIzo既時候,係唔係所有喇叭都會有聱,即變成9.1,還是當Front Height開啟時,surround back係唔會有聲,都只係7.1聲道{:1_342:} 小弟睇左說明書無清楚寫明{:1_257:} 同埋Front Height喇叭係唔係唔洗用d高級野,用普通喇叭都已經夠.請各位ching指教{:1_332:} 應該係每聲道都有聲,front height唔使用靚線,如每隻喇叭用相同嘅線就梗係最好啦 樓主, 請問可唔可以講下pioneer 個front height 效果如何呢? 明顯嗎?? 應該係每聲道都有聲,front height唔使用靚線,如每隻喇叭用相同嘅線就梗係最好啦 ...gundamfix2005 發表於 2010-7-31 10:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
多謝ching意見 樓主, 請問可唔可以講下pioneer 個front height 效果如何呢? 明顯嗎??
shing517 發表於 2010-7-31 10:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我就係未買front height先請教各位ching,如果買左再同各位分享{:1_343:} 其實都幾奇怪, 好似冇乜人提過pioneer 個 front height 個效果咁....
P記1020K玩Front Height
各位ching,小弟新手一名,玩左AV唔係好耐.剛剛入手部P記1020K,小弟玩開7.1,現在想物盡其用,玩埋Front Height{:1_332:} 小弟想知道當加左Front Height開啟Pro Logic IIzo既時候,係唔係所有喇叭都會有聱,即變成9.1,還是當Front Height開啟時,surround back係唔會有聲,都只係7.1聲道{:1_342:} 小弟睇左說明書無清楚寫明{:1_257:} 同埋Front Height喇叭係唔係唔洗用d高級野,用普通喇叭都已經夠.請各位ching指教{:1_332:}Pllz format (front height) supports 7.1 channels only
Surround back (後置加多兩隻surround spks) supports 7.1 channels only too
so 唔會9 隻喇叭出聲
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P記1020K玩Front Height
其實都幾奇怪, 好似冇乜人提過pioneer 個 front height 個效果咁....Ching wait me
I will buy it KA la
Sent from my iPhone using 大板凳 Pllz format (front height) supports 7.1 channels only
Surround back (後置加多兩隻surround spks) s ...
hy358 發表於 2010-7-31 11:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁我都已經玩緊7.1,就算加front height都唔有9.1,都係7.1,只不過surround back變做front height.咁我就覺得無必要買喇{:1_336:}
P記1020K玩Front Height
咁我都已經玩緊7.1,就算加front height都唔有9.1,都係7.1,只不過surround back變做front height.咁我就覺得無必要買喇{:1_336:}
If Ching has 7 spks at home already, try to connect front height Ar
If feel not really good, turn it back to surround back law
Or ching can go TST fortress try try
(but they are using onkyo )
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