德國產品,入咩貨(add photos)
本帖最後由 itoy2008 於 2010-7-28 05:53 編輯身處德國,影左d相,牌子叫project.
(今晚再upload,iPhone 冇flash)
All products.
(U may take a look by download the photo and zoom in, the computer here can't type chinese and do much on editing photo)
CA DACMagic?? Can find in HK?
Project Pre-amp, "Post" amp and DAC for iPhone(i think)
有咩正野o係德國買係低? 比D相仔來睇下先啦~~~{:1_338:} 咁睇吓inakustik廠線平唔平啦!{:6_238:} ADAM 台返黎{:6_139:} 本帖最後由 itoy2008 於 2010-7-28 03:05 編輯
有冇聽過QIV 同skymaster既牌子?有冇comment?它們係線材。 Burmester....MBL....{:1_344:} Burnmester?? MBL?? 線材? ADAM啦~~~我都想叫人用dhl運回來~~平好多好多呀 有咩型號?底玩。。。
德國產品,入咩貨(add photos)
QIV HDMI 1.3a- 发送自我的 iPhone 大板凳应用