唔使,我估active個意思係加左個磁環,新同舊款外觀上嘅分別就係個磁環同插頭顏色 回復pkfleung
唔使,我估active個意思係加左個磁環,新同舊款外觀上嘅分別就係個磁環同插頭顏色 ...
rolex884 發表於 2010-7-27 21:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
磁環都算 active? {:6_202:} 想問Active是否要放電芯?
pkfleung 發表於 2010-7-27 17:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔駛電芯 http://www.chord.co.uk/images/image/chord_hdmi_active_white.jpg
Chord HDMI Active technical information
The exciting aspect of the Chord HDMI Active is the inclusion of a high frequency filter on all lengths. The filter reduces the intra/inter channel skew between the four pairs of TDMS signals. In tests using Denon, Arcam, Yamaha and Playstation 3 DVD and Blu-ray players, all aspects of picture were improved by using the HDMI Active cable.