Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-10 12:59

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-5-10 15:37 編輯

Big_McIn兄, 請問尾端不接網線負極的原因/理論
ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-7 22:30

1. 呢個是無學術理論,只有發燒理論,一定無諾貝爾獎,但可能攞CES獎。

2. 線廠做線要分頭尾,先至有體面,两蕊一網,頭接負和網,尾只接負,負蕊和網都是相通,木耳人聽唔出分別,焊接頭尾不同,木耳人對眼就睇得出,自然要付錢購買--市場學。

3. 市場學驅使,因此做RCA線要分頭尾,但做XLR就無計。

以上論點,自然驅使本人DIY RCA線都要跟風,對音色無礙,如果尾插接網,呢個帖就無眼睇哩。 #3272

PS : 兩蕊一網,尾頭只接負,負和網仍相通,即RCA頭和尾插的「負」仍相通,75 ohm線尾插不接網,頭和尾的「負」就不通了,與頭和尾都不接網一樣,數碼傳輸和模擬傳輸不同,想想Optical,會明少少。

ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-10 21:02

本帖最後由 ANWKLO 於 2011-5-10 21:10 編輯

1. 呢個是無學術理論,只有發燒理論,一定無諾貝爾獎,但可能攞CES獎。

2. 線廠做線要分頭尾,先至有體 ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-10 12:59

"两蕊一網,頭接負和網,尾只接負,負蕊和網都是相通, 木耳人聽唔出分別"
沒有比較過兩種接法,不知道小弟是否木耳, 雖然唔係好明白, 多謝分析 {:1_245:}

這裡話两蕊一網,頭接負和網, 會有"best noise rejection” .

According to theory, when the signal (+) and (-) constantly change positions 180°, it aids in noise rejection. {:1_345:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-10 23:42

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-5-11 10:51 編輯

"两蕊一網,頭接負和網,尾只接負,負蕊和網都是相通, 木耳人聽唔出分別"
沒有比較過兩種接法,不知道小 ...
ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-10 21:02

正式利用兩蕊一網線來達至Noise Rejection必須焊接在XLR插,以Balance接駁,在Porfessional Connection已有數+年歷史,有無正式電聲學文獻支持,就不清楚,但焊接XLR時,網和負線是分離,外來噪音一概隔離,算擴音機雖不是Balance設計,也有Balance to Unbalance切換線路,噪音就在此消聲匿跡。

两蕊一網用在RCA插,在80年代慢慢流行,頭尾焊接不同,聲稱也有Noise Rejection功能,但在擴音機內就無經任何特殊線路,只是線廠的推廣和forum內的個人心得,這是發燒理論,所以是有資格被提名攞CES獎。

I typically recommend a two-conductor, balanced cable – also known as mic cable - for audio interconnects. For one thing, it’s easy to find well-made cable of this type. Mic cable also offers an advantage that regular single-conductor cable can’t, namely there are a couple of options for configuring it.

For instance, the dual center conductors can be tied together at both ends when soldering to the RCA. This makes for a more reliable and durable cable: If one conductor fails for some reason, the other retains continuity and the cable still works.

The other option is tying one of the conductors into the shield. This results in the signal (+) and (-) traveling on the center conductors, which are twisted internally through the cable. According to theory, the signal (+) and (-) traveling on twisted pairs further aids noise rejection. ......"

查實Wayne都無話頭尾不同焊接,只說將其中一蕊(one of the conductors)和網相接,那麽signal (-)並非只在縲旋負線行走,在網亦行走。

ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-11 13:37

回復 43# Big_McIn

Wayne在第二頁有講 {:1_245:}
"Finishing up “best noise reduction” cables
If you’re doing the “best noise rejection” method where one of the center conductors is tied into the shield: When you make up the other end of your cable, the conductor that you tied into the shield will be soldered to the RCA’s sleeve (i.e. clamp arm). To clarify, the shield will be connected to one end of the cable only. This will send the signal (-) solely through the center conductor. " {:1_345:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-11 13:51

Wow, on p. 2 I saw it.

So, if I can, I would like to nominate this Audio Theory in CES 2012.{:1_341:}

ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-11 13:55

Wow, on p. 2 I saw it.

So, if I can, I would like to nominate this Audio Theory in CES 2012.{:1_341 ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-11 13:51

Where is the show of CES 2012 take place {:1_342:}I must share with your glory {:1_253:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-11 14:02

Where is the show of CES 2012 take place   I must share with your glory
ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-11 13:55

Of course, in Las Vegas{:1_343:}

corolladv 發表於 2011-5-11 14:52

Oyaide Silver XLR Digital CP 值很高........
頁: 1 2 3 4 [5]
查看完整版本: DIY最後一擊 -- Oyaide RCA和Oyaide Silver XLR Digital

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