Anyone bought iPad today? Can you share with us:1. Where did you buy?
2. What model?
3. How much? 1. 兇宅
2. 64GB 3G+WIFI 版本
3. HK$ 6488
4. 現況 = {:6_244:}{:6_244:} 回復 2# Raphael
I want to buy 32G wifi version tonight. Don't want to take leave to queue. 1. DG Lifestyle
2. 16GB 3G+WIFI
3. HK$4,888 1. Cwb 痕濃 broadway
2. 16g wifi (12:30 去到已洁清所有3G model...)
3. 3888 + 250 (肯買保護貼$250 或 罩$400 就吾使排隊…)
呢個安排都几過忍{:1_253:} 1. Cwb 痕濃 broadway
2. 16g wifi (12:30 去到已洁清所有3G model...)
3. 3888 + 250 (肯買保護貼$250 或...
aj2008 發表於 2010-7-23 17:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
保護貼咁貴????!! 有乜名牌子係呢個價位......?
APPLE 原裝貨? 1. 旺角百XX
2. 32GB WIFI版
3. $4688
呢批IPAD可以JB......{:6_182:} I couldn't buy ipad yesterday, today morning (10:30am) I went to CWB TimeSq 百XX and queue for 30 mins (11am opens), and I bought 16G wifi version (because all other models were out of stock). 1. Cwb 痕濃 broadway
2. 16g wifi (12:30 去到已洁清所有3G model...)
3. 3888 + 250 (肯買保護貼$250 或...
aj2008 發表於 2010-7-23 17:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I think $250 for screen protector and $400 for plastic case ($600 for leather case) are all so expensive. My wife said ipad is larger, so the material cost should be 4x of iphone's.... {:6_200:}
I didn't add any protection when purchase, just went to Shen Zhen in the afternoon and bought a blue colour leather case ($35) and a grey color plastic protector ($15), total $50 RMB ($65HKD) 1. Harbour City百XX
2. 32GB WIFI版
3. $4688