MK.... 好貴呢... 師兄.. 本帖最後由 INTESSA 於 2010-7-23 23:06 編輯
哪有喇叭可媲美原廠一條龍的出品{:6_183:} 要夾Pioneer的Amp{:6_175:}當然就要用旗下的TAD喇叭{:6_142:} 我用TAD TSM-300夾LX82,只可以說一句: 天衣無縫{:6_127:}
只要努力在二手區找找{:6_229:} 或許20K左右可達成,而且用TAD 300仔聽兩聲道,我怕你一開始了便不願關機{:6_193:} 主打睇戲既我就用JBL{:6_193:},不過我係用LX70加後級唔係82 如果我LX81夾B&W684又要唔要加後級呢{:6_188:} 回復 16# -stone-
我覺得除左8系外, 跟本唔駛加後級, av amp 唔同2聲道amp, 低頻會比woofer做, 跟本唔需要用好多power 去比d 喇叭. (有聲好有要求除外). 回復 9# claero
thanks ching, I still hv choice coz I hv buy nothing at the moment, still looking around, {:6_138:} sound what would a great suggestion if you were me to pick up the speaker to match LX82? 包圍感重, 氣氛一流, 但定位比較差同埋不太合適聽歌
roica 發表於 2010-7-23 20:50
thanks for information! {:1_249:} 我就用緊 Yamaha MSP5 self power喇叭, 都ok, 我去個朋友屋企聽全set MK, 佢同PIONEER 都好夾, 又易set.
回复: Pioneer Lx-82用乜喇叭會比較夾??
Quad is also match 82 as this is what I heard today 回復-stone-我覺得除左8系外, 跟本唔駛加後級, av amp 唔同2聲道amp, 低頻會比woofer做, 跟本唔 ...
goofy 發表於 2010-7-24 09:40
未必,加左POWER AMP會提升好多音質,例如動態同衝擊力和密度都提升唔少。{:6_183:}