有沒有師兄知道DENON3310 同4310有什麼分別?? 3310輸出180wX7 4310輸出130wX7 ??官方公報的數值是不是準確??? Same brand can be compare directly, other brand may not be. 唔好睇power,淨係睇型號都知唔同級數{:6_146:} 那分別在那呢{:6_229:} 3310輸出180wX7< 6ohm? 回復 5# avmilk是的, 3310 180WX76ohm 4310 130WX78ohm 回復avmilk
是的, 3310 180WX76ohm 4310 130WX78ohm
AST(Gym) 發表於 2010-7-19 23:38
seems 3310 in 8ohm should be less than 130W impedianece different. Denon Japan website mentioned that the output for 4310 at 6 ohm is 190W. Hope this helps 3310同4310,音質差距明顯架{:6_171:}