Pioneer SC-LX83 到港未?
我朋友有興趣, 有無人知到港未? thanks.{:6_195:} 應該未啦{:6_122:} 個remote使唔使咁靚...{:6_243:} 回復 1# 七彩小生
未, 昨天都係頂唔住, 又等唔到, 最後入了LX-82
而且我諗LX-83出既價都唔平, 一來已多了兩組ice power
睇黎價位應企係18-20K左右 now the price of LX82 is very good indeed~ 如果要18-19K呢個價位,,
我令願入82再加部XPA-5咪重好,,重有錢靜買線添呀 我估冇18-19K咁貴掛 我諗起碼萬六至萬七開售{:6_216:} the list price of LX82 is around 25k, i think LX83 is also around this price tag at the very beginning... 應該唔方平 , 萬六七都沒乜走雞