米赫洛域 發表於 2010-7-17 22:54


3721 發表於 2010-7-17 22:55

我部ONKYO sr-700, 02尾買而家重用乎得.

p98 發表於 2010-7-17 23:02

本帖最後由 p98 於 2010-7-17 23:04 編輯

我部 Denon 用了 13 年, No problems at all.

rklpoon 發表於 2010-7-17 23:10

本帖最後由 rklpoon 於 2010-7-17 23:15 編輯

回復 7# chhanthony

Actually in anticipation-not yet arrived. It has the Twin Cirrus® 32 bit dual core DSP’s - I think but not sure- the same chip in Cary/Marantz. Actually I have paid upfront before 30 June to qualify for the new remote and asked them to hold shipment until the final firmware(still bugs to be fixed) is available.They sent it out by mistake but managed to pull it back(arrived HK by Fedex and backed to USA;I would have accepted delivery if it arrived at my home).

I chose the UMC-1 over my next target Onkyo 5507 because:-
1) UMC-1 is cheap-HK$6K including freight to HK.
2) There is a 5 year warranty and a 30-day return policy(though you have to pay for the return freight).
3) 5507 is more than double in price and has features I don't need-internet radio/PLIIz/2 HDMI out/XLR output/9.2 channel/HQV    Reon - discounting each feature say worth $1k and the UMC-1 is a fair deal.
4) I think the AV gears are more expensive these days and new model coming out every year. It makes you feel outdate-taking   
    Onkyo as an example-905/906/5507/5508? So my bottom line is not to pay for expensive AV gears.

The group purchase for Emotiva power amp is in heat. I have tempted to buy the UPA-7/XPA-5 last year but fear of malfunction unit and ended up buying the NHT P5 at $8.8K - it is expensive than the XPA-5 but it has a one year local warranty and it is a class D amp. My next move is to buy the Emotiva UMC-1 and UPA-2(currently out of stock, resume shipping in early August) to complete my AV upgrade plan(another pair of Klipsch RS-42 for surround back is needed ). Maybe I would be the first HK UMC-1 user.{:1_253:}

ming7190167 發表於 2010-7-18 10:58


depeche_lam 發表於 2010-7-18 12:01


孤身走我路 發表於 2010-7-18 12:29


snowpig 發表於 2010-7-18 13:02

各位ching一部av amp可玩幾耐?

我部Y記DSP-AZ1用咗七年有多因為接頭氧化先去換咗Onkyo NR-5007

- 发送自我的 iPhone 大板凳应用

ManU 發表於 2010-7-18 13:07

Yamaha DSP A2070

5仔 發表於 2010-7-18 14:23

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