最好講埋邊一段 BATMAN 黑夜之神開頭? 我會變形金剛2 十七段通常去買5.1,會試邊隻Blu-ray呢
我鍾意蜘蛛俠3,小綠魔追彼得個段- 发送自我的 iPhone 大板凳应用 我會試WANTED, 火車戲果段,好似係第15段 Wanted supermarket個段同埋黑夜之神tunnel個後 Knowing........ the segment of plane crash, especially good to test the subwoofer and the sound linkage when the airport crashed fm right to left then the parts of the plane boom fm left to the middle back. Wanted supermarket個段同埋黑夜之神tunnel個後
donji 發表於 2010-7-15 09:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
wanted呢隻碟真係幾好試, 由其果幾野撞子彈果幾下,每次整完都會囉黎試 點解無人講雷霆救兵o既??? 我都想買隻變形金剛2黎試機.....