lyl223 發表於 2010-7-13 16:03

Linn or Tannoy speaker

Dear Chings,

I need your help to choose the speakers (Linn Majik 109 vs Tannoy Definition DC8):

Licening space: 10" x 9"
Planning INT AMP &CDP: Onix A65 & Onix CDP or Audiolab 8000S & Audiolab CDP
My Experience: new guy, haven't got any 2 chanel system before.
like to listen: instrument,piano, slow vocal songs (both male and female voice), and classic

I audited both two speakers. I like them both, preferred Tannoy DC8, but it's out of budget (7k more compare with Linn). Therefore, I would like to aske all Chings sharings how I should choose:

1. Will Linn be enough for my listening space? ( I need to put the speakers on my TV table, 18" width)
2. Should I just go with DC 8 and increase the budget?

I really don't know how I should make decision, therefore, all your comments and sharings are much appreciated. Many Thanks

Tannoy DC 8

Linn Majik 109

lei_ieong 發表於 2010-7-14 01:07

I'm using Linn akurate 242 , no complaint ! Linn is a polite speaker ,therefore , I think linn will satisfy you ...

kalvin 發表於 2010-7-14 02:47

我需然是音響新仔一名,但之前在showroom聽過DC8,用黎聽啲Classic嘢、Piano、orchestral,確實幾好。但配唔配你啲器材就真係唔識喇。但我個人感覺DC8要空間夠大先發揮到佢概功能。此外,我個人好喜歡Tannoy DC Series概外形。

lyl223 發表於 2010-7-14 10:26

lei_ieong Ching, may I know which INT AMP and CDP you are using to push akurate 242? For majik 109 (bookshelf), will you think Onix A65 & CDP could match with 109?

Kalvin Ching, yes, it's stylish speaker. I am also not sure whether my listening space (around 100 sq ft) is too small for her.

Hope other chings could share their comments with us ("new boys")

Many Thanks

cbkN258 發表於 2010-7-14 15:33


lyl223 發表於 2010-7-14 22:51

any Chings could share more experience with us?


lei_ieong 發表於 2010-7-15 00:45

I'm using linn with streaming player which I think Linn are good at , I'm using Akurate knotrol pow amp + Akurate 2200 Preamp + akurate DS

For Onix CDP I have no idea ...{:6_203:}
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