多得友台師兄介紹,入手到一批好碟~回復 1# RICKYSO
Very nice!! Hope more ching can share their Jazz collections here. 我都希望多的ching介紹吓唔同軟件,不過暫時覺得呢便的ching喜歡傾硬件多的!
多多得罪~包容!包容! C Hing,
You like Fusion Jazz!
Me too.
Just performed Cantaloupe Island and some Jeff Beck's no. on last SAT night. 其實我好雜食吓~咩類型音樂都喜歡聽!
Fusion Jazz都係初聽,暫時聽左幾隻都好入耳,希望ching多的交流~~ 'trouble shootin" is a very good CD ar!
Good Choice!!
{:6_188:} CHING都like jazz wor, 小弟新手, 有好野請多share 本帖最後由 plnl88 於 2010-7-12 13:14 編輯
上 youtube 睇睇 Return To Forever 啦。
Al Di Meola, Stainley Clarke , Chick Corea, Lenny White 四個中三個係樂壇中的天王。
玩 Fusion 的人 無佢地隻 Romantic Warrior 都好打有限。DVD/BD 就買佢地隻 Returns: Live At Montreux 2008 啦。
另外 Jeff Beck 隻 Live At Ronnie Scott's BD 都好正。Jeff Beck 係結他界中的怪傑。七零年代結他三聖之一,與 Jimmi Hendrix, Eric Clapton 齊名。當時 Jimmy Page 先岩岩出道。Jeck Beck 的風格自成一家,都唔知將佢點歸類。{:6_193:} 多謝ching指教~兩隻diannereeves live好對辦!岩口味!其他要呢個星期先消化得晒~ 回復RICKYSO
Very nice!! Hope more ching can share their Jazz collections here.
carpediem 發表於 2010-7-12 01:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
RICKSO兄, if you like Grachan Moncur III, make sure you don't miss these three CDs: